

As you may have read earlier, I’m a pretty easy-going guy. I’m persistent with strong feelings towards things I truly believe in, & have a love for technology, piano, content creation, & basketball.

I’m currently a student working towards my Associate’s Degree at CC, then I’m probably going to transfer to a university and go for something Computer Science / Computer Information Systems related. Or not. Who knows.

My love for technology started when I was about 4-5, when my cousin & sister started introducing me to some of the stuff the things they were interested in! This included but was not limited to gaming, videography, content creation, music, and so, so much more. At 5 years old, unbeknownst to my parents, I had actually started taking apart the home computer, and putting it back together. And there it was, my first PC build at 5 years old.

From there, I heavily dived into gaming. I got to the competitive level of many games like CS:GO (FPL), Minecraft (Yep. Mhm), Overwatch (Kinda), etc. Otherwise, single player open-world games are my favorite (and some old school platformers).

I also do commisions.. sometimes. (2015-2023). I don’t really have the time for it anymore, but it generally included PC building, network configuration, light development work, etc. This got me paid (most of the time). If they didn’t want to pay me, I always got a nice, firm handshake and thank you instead… 🥲

At 17, going into my senior year of HS, I got my first job at a fairly small-medium sized company called Prism Controls (formerly PMSI) as an IT Assistant. Eventually, due to my education & skills, my role eventually evolved into a position with the DevOps team, which included CI/CD, Azure, Full-Stack Development, Docker, Automation, Hardware Configuration, etc. This is really where I really started seeing Software Development as a real career path for me.

Skip to August, and my senior year starts. At this point I’m working & attending 2 different schools (One is a career center with a class in the morning) My second year teacher at the career center believed in a ‘hands off’ approach, and let us decide what to do all day. This, as you can imagine, was a very wise decision. Restless seniors always use their time very efficiently. Don’t believe me? You’re going to tell me nap day wasn’t productive? K.

Eventually, I just took it upon myself to start teaching my peers the valuable networking, hardware, HelpDesk, & scripting skills I knew. Eventually, this evolved into a role where I was teaching a group of accelerated first year students to prepare them for the first part of the CompTIA A+ test (1101). Ironically, I didn’t even have my A+ certification yet (I still don’t), but was still more than qualified to teach them about the topics on the test.

Those stories give you a little bit of a dive into how I got to the place where I am today. Obviously there’s a ton of stuff that sits in between those events, but none of THAT really demonstrates who I am.

If you don’t get it by now, I’m a pretty laid back guy. I’m not really a fan of drama, and I’m not really a fan of people who are lazy. I’m a firm believer in the idea that you can do anything you want to do, as long as you put your mind to it.

Anyways, now it’s getting corny. Feel free to look around or contact me… I need friends.

See you, space cowboy...


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